The famous X-Ring represents StFX culture and who we are as Xaverians. It’s a cherished reminder of our days at StFX and our continued commitment to the pursuit of excellence in our academic, social and spiritual lives. The X-Ring Store is part of the full X-Ring campus experience, offering an opportunity for students to learn more about our history, our alumni and what it means to wear this cherished symbol of campus life; educational excellence; and StFX pride. Generations of alumni proudly wear the ring that bonds us together and connects us forever. The reputation of the X-Ring, and the qualities of those who wear its distinction, are known the world over.

The beginning of each Xaverian’s X-Ring journey is unique. It may start around the family kitchen table, at a university recruitment fair, or during a conversation with alumnus or alumna. When new Xaverians reach campus in first year, students attend a formal welcoming ceremony and pledge the Xaverian Commitment, stepping onto the rigorous educational path that prepares them for a life of thought and service. The success of this hard work is formally acknowledged in senior year, at the highly anticipated StFX Day ceremony, held on December 3, the Feast of Saint Francis. Here, students receive their cherished ring that will forever remind them of discipline and achievement.

In this spirit, all proceeds from every ring purchased at The X-Ring Store go to the Xaverian Fund, a bursary and scholarship program for students in need.

On this special day, often referred to as one of the most important in a Xaverian’s life, students once again recite our collective pledge and receive the graduation ring that represents a lifelong dedication to “whatsoever things are true, noble, good and worthy of praise.” The X-Ring Day and the following Xaverian Farewell Ceremony during Spring Convocation weekend, represents the symbolic transition from student body to graduating class, from campus life to the pursuit of excellence and service in the world. As each graduating student don their well-deserved rings, it becomes their first act of service as alumni, opening the door that welcomes new students to make their Xaverian pledge. It is an elegant closure to student life at StFX and acknowledgement of the lifelong spirit of Xaverian contribution and commitment to community.